Specular Series - Stereolux

Specular Series - Stereolux

Exhibition, 2018

Nantes - Nov/Dec, 2018​

Specular Series exhibition

“The artist invites you to explore her work, which treats light as a material. Hypnotic, tangible, and immersive, the experience proposed by Cinzia Campolese leverages contemporary tools to imagine audiovisual objects that transform into dynamic sculptures.
Resembling a lunar landscape, the installation envisioned by the artist fills the space and surrounds the viewer. A sense of hypnosis, disorientation, and dazzle emerges.
The sensations are manifold, and it becomes challenging to discern the light's origin. What if, instead of analyzing, we surrendered to our emotions, as if gazing at a breathtaking landscape?
In the artist’s own words, it is “an invitation to lighten the experience of hypersaturated media environments that typically surround us, to empty our sensory center.”

Translated excerpts from Le Bonbon article by Kevin Schultz.